The AIO award 2022 was won by Darshak Bhatt (UMCG) and this allowed him to visit the Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference (ITOC-2022) in Munich.
We asked him to write a short report.
Report by Drashak Bhatt, Toos Daemen lab, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands
I appreciate the opportunity provided by the KWF-DTIM in the form of the 2022 AIO-award. It has allowed me to join the Immunotherapy of Cancer Conference (ITOC-2022) in Munich to meet an interesting group of researchers, and share our team’s work on exploring the spatial dynamics of oncolytic virotherapy in the presence of resistant cancer cells.
It was an honor to represent the Netherlands at the ITOC amidst various international peers and I had a fruitful experience in many regards. More importantly, it was interesting to be exposed to current advances in the field of cancer immunotherapy and broaden my perspective while discussing with some of the very best experts in this field. The trip to Munich became more interesting as it coincided with the Oktoberfest – which made my stay in the city colorful and vibrant!
From left to right: Winner Darshak Bhatt; 2nd place: Alexandre Marraffa; 3rd place: Amy Kessler